Eugenia MINCU, doctor habilitat, cercetător științific principal. Domeniul de cercetare: 621.04 – Lexicologie și lexicografie; terminologie şi limbaje specializate; traductologie (în limba română); 621.05. Semiotică; semantică; pragmatică (limba română).
Publicații: Terminologia medicinalis Romaniae. Chișinău, Pontos, 2017, 276 p. ISBN 978-9975-51-861-1; Scientific Greek-Latin elements used to express new things in the language. În: GISAP: Philological Sciences – periodical scientific journal of the International Academy of Science and Higher Education, devoted to matters of philology and linguistics. New issues of the journal are published three times a year Philological Sciences is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. IASHE, London, UK, 2015, nr. 7, p. 118-120. ISSN 2053-1532 (Print) 2053-1540 (Online). DOI:; The affixoidation phenomenon and the language systems unification. În: GISAP: Philological Sciences - periodical scientific journal of the International Academy of Science and Higher Education, devoted to matters of philology and linguistics. New issues of the journal are published three times a year Philological Sciences is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. IASHE, London, UK, 2015, nr. 8, p. 320-325. ISSN 2053 – 1532 (Print) 2053 – 1540 (Online); Terminology: Retrospection and Perspective. În: Studii şi cercetări de onomastică şi lexicologie (SCOL). Craiova: Editura Sitech, 2016, nr. 1-2, p. 154-159. ISSN 2065-7161(print), ISSN 224-7330 (online) (coautor); Dublete greco-latine în terminologia medicală românească. În: Studia universitatis Moldaviae. Seria ştiinţe umanistice. Chișinău, CEP USM, 2016, nr. 4, p. 40-45. ISSN 1811-2668, ISSN online 2345-1009.
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